
Fried Squirrel. Horse Meds. And a pro boxer gettin bautizado

finishing the final mission temple trip wit da bois:   Hello people. I've been living here for about a year and a half now. I don't know how many of you still survive seeing these emails but if you do le felicito. I accidentally sat down and wrote way too much this week so sorry for the long email. Today in the office work we´re sending home all the hermanas from my generation of missionaries. H. Lindsay asked me how I felt that they were all going home now and I still gotta be here for another 6 months. That was pretty savage of her but alright.  Jaja no but honestly it is super cool. One of my favorite phrases I've heard from President Choy recently about our missionary service is: "We are Just. Getting. Started." A long spiritual thought... Right now as missionaries, we just show up here as high school kids and as for our knowledge and testimony of the impact of the doctrine of Christ, many times we´re like little newborn kittens just barely starting to open ou

Your future. (A choose your own adventure by Alma the High Priest) :D

  Hey everyone! Here's the update for this week: First week in the office we had 3 zone conferences. Tender mercy there was on the drive over to Ahuachapán for the final conference, we happened to drive by my old area Casa Blanca, and we happened to drive by right where Daniela works so I got to wave hi over at her the day before she got married with Samuel. And then they got BAPTIZED SUNDAY YEEEAHHHHH  Theres also a tropical storm hitting the country right now thats gonna make it keep raining hard for the next week. So the El Salvador president called off school for the week, and the area presidency asked us to try not and go outside for the next couple days. Today we got to send some busses over to bring one of the zones to a different city because they lost power and water in one part of the mission. If I learned anything from American quarantine we should probably head out and buy all the toilet paper in the town. Someone I gotta introduce you to is a man named Lazaró. (Lazarus

Take me down to the Paradise City

  Hello mis amigos It's been a long time. I don't have time to tell everything going on but to sum up I got transferred from Casa Blanca to Paraiso. Im now gunna be trained to be the general secretary of the mission yeeeeahhhhhh 7 years of online school bout to come in handy with a lot of computer stuff. I got to leave Casa Blanca with 3 weddings being planned along with baptisms for those people which was super super cool to be a part of. Never had a wedding in my mission and for some reason this area just had a LOT that needed to be done with weddings. So I'm ready to be a wedding planner when I get back. I think that all mightve happened because the Lord saw I wasnt going to be able to be there when my older brother got married, so he just sent a bunch of weddings to plan here haha One of them is the Familia Coc who I talked about last email. They're all ready to be baptised, hno Coc already proposed to his wife Yanira and everything, they're just in the legal pr

My Journal for the last month. Wedding, baptisms, and Cockroaches

I really haven't had a lot of time to journal in the past weeks, so this email is kind of going to be my opportunity to journal down the most meaningful things for me in the last month while I have a computer for a few hours. Enjoy! Carlos and Sarai I think I told you guys about how on our 2nd day here we found a crazy guy on the street named Edwin who brought us over to his family. Well now we've found that his sister Roxanna is an inactive church member who was baptised when she was about 15, and stopped going when her daughter was born. She was converted when she was given a Book of Mormon and chose to try and read it even though she didn't know how to read before. But with that book Roxanna not only learned how to read, but she felt the spirit testify to her heart and mind the truthfulness of the gospel and was baptised!            Well anyways that was like 30 years ago, but now when we found her family thanks to Edwin, we started meeting with Roxanna's daughter, S

500 Pupusas

  Hello, just would like to write this to say that I have reached 500 pupusas. Thank you for all your love and support. I think we can say this was a successful group effort. For a quick recap of the week, it was BUSY AS HECK. The only full day we had in our area was Sunday but we survived so it's all good. Monday : P-Day, FHE w/a drunk guy, then took a bus to APs house in El Trebol to stay the night there. Tuesday : Took a van from El Trebol, to the capital city of San Salvador for immigration papers now that I hit a year in the country. We ate at Burger king for lunch and it was incredible. Wednesday : Some epic Zone Conferences, and then Elder Harward got parasites and was really sick that night. Thursday : Visited a little bit in the morning and then went to the Hospital in Santa Ana in the afternoon to destroy Wednesday's parasites. Friday : Exchanges with Magdalena. Elder Ricconi and I found two families of 7 and we invited 28 people to church in one day. That was AWESOME