Take me down to the Paradise City

 Hello mis amigos

It's been a long time. I don't have time to tell everything going on but to sum up I got transferred from Casa Blanca to Paraiso. Im now gunna be trained to be the general secretary of the mission yeeeeahhhhhh 7 years of online school bout to come in handy with a lot of computer stuff.

I got to leave Casa Blanca with 3 weddings being planned along with baptisms for those people which was super super cool to be a part of. Never had a wedding in my mission and for some reason this area just had a LOT that needed to be done with weddings. So I'm ready to be a wedding planner when I get back. I think that all mightve happened because the Lord saw I wasnt going to be able to be there when my older brother got married, so he just sent a bunch of weddings to plan here haha

One of them is the Familia Coc who I talked about last email. They're all ready to be baptised, hno Coc already proposed to his wife Yanira and everything, they're just in the legal process of making the wedding papers.

The other wedding is Daniela and Samuel. They are super cool. Some cool backstory they told us after we were teaching them for a while, is that just a few days before we knocked on their door, they said to each other "Hey, lets pray before we go to bed." And they started with that simple step of saying prayers every night together. Then just a few days later we found them and began teaching them, they came to church, and when we mentioned that we wanted to help them be married in preparation for baptism they actually got really excited! Turns out they had decided at the beginning of the year that one of their goals this year was to get married! They just didn't really know how to do it as a young couple of 18 and 22yrs old. But we were sent to them to help them out with getting married and to help them in their desires to build a greater relationship with God! And all of that just started with them deciding to say a prayer together. This saturday is their wedding and baptism woohooooo

The third wedding we were planning was with a couple named Esmeralda and Diego. Diego was a church member a long time ago but stopped going when he was about 16. But now they're grown up and they've got a little 7yr old daughter together. They've got their own trials in their family just like everybody does, and turns out that just a few days before we ended up knocking their door, they had had a discussion and decided that they needed to change some things now or they'd have to split up. But we showed up and began sharing with them about the gospel, and now they go to church together as a family, and the problems they had previously as a family have no longer been a problem! Esmeralda is also planning on getting married and baptised this month. 

It has been so cool to see how bringing this same message to so many different types of people can have the same life changing impact. Its because no matter who you are, you are a child of God. You are from Him. So when you start to build a relationship with him as Jesus taught, by excercising faith, repenting, and preparing to make and keep covenants with him, you invite Godliness into your life.

i forgot pupusa count sorry, next time :D


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