500 Pupusas

 Hello, just would like to write this to say that I have reached 500 pupusas. Thank you for all your love and support. I think we can say this was a successful group effort.

For a quick recap of the week, it was BUSY AS HECK. The only full day we had in our area was Sunday but we survived so it's all good.

Monday: P-Day, FHE w/a drunk guy, then took a bus to APs house in El Trebol to stay the night there.
Tuesday: Took a van from El Trebol, to the capital city of San Salvador for immigration papers now that I hit a year in the country. We ate at Burger king for lunch and it was incredible.
Wednesday: Some epic Zone Conferences, and then Elder Harward got parasites and was really sick that night.
Thursday: Visited a little bit in the morning and then went to the Hospital in Santa Ana in the afternoon to destroy Wednesday's parasites.
Friday: Exchanges with Magdalena. Elder Ricconi and I found two families of 7 and we invited 28 people to church in one day. That was AWESOME
Saturday: We met up and finished intercambios. Then we got to prepare a ward baptism by repairing the baptismal font with a pocket knife and a string from a mop. So many people ended up showing up that they had to move everyone to the Sacrament Meeting room. The whole meeting was directed by primary kids, and the talks about baptism and the holy ghost were the best I've ever heard. The boy who went up to speak about baptism was like "Alrighty so they asked me to come explain to this girl what baptism is like, so let me tell y'all what my experience was" And then proceeded to act out and explain every step, including turning around and imitating how to change into the white clothes in the bathroom. Then a little girl gave a sweet talk and even read a scripture, and then was like "So i'm really excited for you... even though I can't see you" (because she was too short to see her over the podium)
Sunday: We kept visiting the crazy guy Edwin who came to church last week, (found him day 2 in the area, invited him to church, and then he just sat there quiet whisper freaking out about how he drank coffee that day. It was like being in church caused him to suddenly start freaking out about anything he could remember he'd done wrong in his life) and we ended up finding and teaching his Niece and her family who are super cool, and they all came to church this week! So we had Edwin, his niece Sarai, and her husband Carlos, with their little one year old daughter. She's already practicing to be a sister missionary someday by shaking everybody's hand a church. She's just gotta work on not trying to eat the hand after shaking it.

That's it for this week, Adios!!


View from the Santa Ana hospital:

Someone burning a field off in the distance at night:

I forgot to mention that my comp kinda looks like Ryan Reynolds:


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