CPR to a goat


I hope you all have a great christmas. Its a pretty awesome time to celebrate the day the Savior came, the one guy who made the entire Plan of Salvation work by killing death and also paying the debt for all of our sins so that through him we're all going to live forever. Also if we choose to, we can live that forever in eternal glory with him. Also not to mention he helps you here in this life to have peace and joy and a ton of blessings. Jesus is the best.

Where the heck am I
- Still in El Congo
 - Completed 11 months in the mission 2 days ago.
- Elder Ochoa went home (along with Hales, Chase and Adcock, so now all my past comps are offically dead)
- Recieved new comp Elder Frias. He's from Argentina and he's really great. We've had some really good experiences just in this week and a half together.
- Went from only having american companions my entire mission to now being the only english speaker in a house of 4. Its awesome, I love speakin spanish.

Some first time experiences from this week
- Christmas away from family
- Somebody told me I was baptised in the name of Joseph Smith. Kinda weird considering ive got a big black nametag that says I'm a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ.
- Got last minute asked to teach the book of revelations in sunday school (keep in mind I've never done that crap in english, let alone attempt in spanish)
- Ate 22 pupusas in one sitting
- Dodged a drunk lady trying to give me a christmas kiss
- Heard a man tell his stories of a lot of gunfights. I dont know how hes still alive but I hope he likes the book of mormon.
- Heard four people that weren't church members share experiences of almost dying and describing what they saw in the spirit world. Check out Alma 40 and 41 to learn about what they saw.

Roberto gives mouth to mouth to a goat
We went to visit our friend Roberto. He is massive and super funny and great. Almost my height but way wider and jacked, he works loading and unloading wood in a truck so we connected pretty fast. He's gigantic but super chill and nice and relaxed. Anyways, one day as we were leaving his house, a big street dog attacked his baby goat and bit its neck, so Roberto ran over, grabbed the dog by its neck with his massive hands, lifted it to eye level and yelled at it, and then chucked the creature away where it ran away whimpering. Then he tried to go try and help his baby goat by kneeling down, taking it in his arms and then proceeding to give it mouth to mouth trying to help it breathe. I didnt know you could give CPR to a goat.
Prayer works: He filled dat font
We had a baptism planned one sunday afternoon, so we began filling the font in the morning, turned it off when we went to lunch but when we returned to finish filling, we found that the water no longer was running in the chapel.
So we were like oh crap. It was kinda funny because we had just told the family in our last visit how theres almost always something crazy that happens before baptisms because the Enemy knows its so important and he tries to mess with it. But we said a prayer as companionship that we could see the Lord's hand in a miracle to help us be able to fill the font and have the baptisms.
Then we went and started looking for ways to fill it up, checking the outdoor hose, talking to the bishop, bishop calling people to come fix it, ect.
Eventually I just walked over to the steps of the font and stared at the faucet with nothing coming out of it, even though the lever was on this whole time. And just I thought "man, there is no way we are getting this done by ourselves. We are completely reliant on the Lord here."
So there on the steps of the font staring at the faucet, thinking about that, I just said: "dear heavenly father, i know that you have the power to do this-" I kid you not, the moment I finished that sentence, before I could even say anything else in the prayer, water came dumping out of the faucet. And it didnt let up until the font was totally full.

Thoughts continued:
Something Ive seen here is theres a pattern to miracles. They always require that you have faith, and there always comes a trial of that faith, and it is only after that trial, when we continue to act in faith anyways, that the miracle comes.(Ether 12) 
Think about any experience in your life or story in the scriptures where a miracle happened. There always comes that tough moment where you can choose whether to give up or to keep going.
Alright so if you understand that in the formula for miracles there is a required trial of faith before the blessing comes, what do you want to do in your life when the trials come? How are you going to keep that hope and faith alive even during the trials?
Dont worry bro, thats why our Heavenly Father gave commandments. Read His words, speak with Him in your prayers, meet in His house, obey Him because of your love for him and he has promised to send his spirit to be with you. If you've got that, you're going to make it. I promise the iron rod was put there to get you to the tree, ya just gotta hold on to it. 

Alright thats it for now, FELIZ NAVIDADDD ADIOS




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