Everyone I Know Is About To Die


Return to El Trébol
This week I went on exchanges with my dad Elder Hales. That on its own would be pretty whack. BUT they also moved the AP's area to El Trébol, so not only I was I with my first companion for a day, but we were in my first area where I got trained with him too. That was super crazy. It was crazy to see how much people's lives had changed in a few months. There was a different bishop and elders quorum president, my old friend Kelvin had best friends in the ward now, I got to go back and find some old investigators that had been positive and help the new Elders start teaching some of them again. We also ran into that one super old guy I helped build a fence for forever ago, and he ended up inviting us in to talk and share a message with him.

(We're still on the same topic but it kinda needed a new title)
Another crazy moment that day was seeing my friend Alex.(picture below) We found this 19yr old dude back in the day just knocking doors, and when we first met he told us he had been baptized years ago when he was a kid, but since then his family stopped going to church and then they all moved to a different town. But recently he had prayed for help to get closer with God again and now we showed up as an answer. That was a really cool and all, and we visited him back in the day, but I never saw him be able to come to church while I was there. But this week, months after I served there, I saw him and he got excited and tackle hugged me and told me about how he's now going to church and Institute classes and preparing to go on a mission and he's taking his sister and his girlfriend to church with him every Sunday. It just struck me that day how you can never know just how far good actions of service will go, because a lot of times God will magnify your efforts to reach a lot farther than you might ever be able to take note of in this life. So even if you don't always see the results immediately, don't stop doing good stuff gosh dangit!! God knows what you're doing, and he's happy that you're helping his kids, and he'll use you as an instrument in his hands to help others in greater ways than you'll know.

Chopped my toe off
I got an ingrown toenail somewhere around month 2 of being here, and then tried to fix it and live with it several times over the past 6 months until finally this week I went in and had a foot doctor fix it. It kinda reminded me of a dentist office except they spoke Spanish and didn't use anesthetic when they started digging in with the metal things that make you bleed. They dug out 4 big ol pieces of toenail. But hey they also took pictures so I got to be a foot model. Also my companion shared with me Mattew 18:8 to ease the pain so it was all good.

Murry Christmas
Oh yeah, uh, the title is because I realized this week that out of the 5 companions I've had here, one went home like 5 months ago, and the other four die in less than a month. So all my companions will be dead before Christmas :'D

On that note ADIOS AMIGOS

Elder Johnson

Pupusas: 276


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