Be a Walrus


How are you guys doin? I haven't seen any of you in like 9 and a half months now, so lemme know if anything cool has happened in your life in that time cuz if not theres a high chance I have no idea haha
Aight heres some stories:

Be a Walrus
Ever since the new mission president came, he's been doing a great job focusing on the quality of training that new missionaries are getting here. There's lots of cool stuff he's been doin like a system of teaching certificacion and study plans and stuff, but one of these things was he had a zoom meeting with all the trainers and their trainees, and as part of it he used this nature video of a polar bear attacking a (Pack? Herd? Flock?) group of walruses. The point was how the big strong ones huddled around the young ones, so the polar bear would bite and claw but couldn't get through, and how the mission needs to adopt that culture of caring for and protecting the new ones so they grow up strong. My favorite part though was while we were watching, Elder Hernandez was like "Wow President, thanks for the movie but it's a little bit dangerous for my eyes"

Chicken nugget noodle sandwich
We made this abomination of a sandwich at lunch one day, but now we've decided to would make a sick rock band name.

A Leader
We had Elder Olsen of the 70 come to visit the mission a while back. To sum up his role in church leadership, he's like, one of the 70 dudes in the world that the 12 apostles send when they can't make it personally since theres only 12 of them running the global church of God on earth. It was super cool to spend time learning from him while he was here. A big thing that stuck out to me in his style of leadership is how he always led by expressing his love and confidence in us as he gave us direction. He also mentioned how that's how the prophet leads too, he always begins his interviews with genuine love and concern for those he is serving. It made me think about how if Jesus, the Son of God, is our perfect example, what is the example he left on how to be a leader? 
In Matthew 20 Christ teaches his disciples saying
25 "Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 
26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
 27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 
28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many."
Christ taught us by word, and by the example he lead in his life that being called to lead means you are called to be humble enough to get down and serve and love others. He was called to be the creator and redeemer of the world, and what did he do about it? He humbly came among us and spent his life in the service of others, and gave his life to save us. 

Thinking about that also made me realize that the most powerful way you can have an affect on someone is when they discover the love that you have for them. 
So what kind of affect will it have on your life when you discover the love that God has for you? 
How do we discover that love? The evidence of God's love for you is in that he sent his Son to be your Savior. Christ chose to take upon himself your pains, sufferings, sins and mistakes, and not only to die for you, but to literally overcome sin and death by his resurrection and atonement. That sacrifice has power not only because through it, Christ perfectly understands you, but also because through it he created the way for you to have eternal life. If you understand that love it will change you. And if you follow the gospel of Jesus Christ, that change is made eternal.


Sick Bro
I got pretty sick the other day. At first it was just lots of coughing and runny nose but it degraded into a pretty bad fever, and then one night I went to bed with that fever and it spiked to the point that I woke up in the middle of the night shaking and cold, but I touched my skin and it was burning hot. So I got up and walked shivering to the fridge, drank some cold water, and then half asleep was like "aight imma pray before I sleep again" and so I said something like 
"thanks I slept good up until this point, please help my body be alright and not die or anything, love you, naymuvjzscrstamn" *sleep* and I woke up and I still had a fever but It had gone down and I wasn't shaking anymore, and then I took my temp and i was like 3 degrees below organ failure. So half asleep prayer Elder Johnson didn't realize it but he was probably kind of about to die, but then it all turned out fine.

Thaz all for now, adios!

Pupusa count: 275


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