
Showing posts from November, 2023

Everyone I Know Is About To Die

  WazAp Return to El Trébol This week I went on exchanges with my dad Elder Hales. That on its own would be pretty whack. BUT they also moved the AP's area to El Trébol, so not only I was I with my first companion for a day, but we were in my first area where I got trained with him too. That was super crazy. It was crazy to see how much people's lives had changed in a few months. There was a different bishop and elders quorum president, my old friend Kelvin had best friends in the ward now, I got to go back and find some old investigators that had been positive and help the new Elders start teaching some of them again. We also ran into that one super old guy I helped build a fence for forever ago, and he ended up inviting us in to talk and share a message with him. (We're still on the same topic but it kinda needed a new title) Another crazy moment that day was seeing my friend Alex.(picture below) We found this 19yr old dude back in the day just knocking doors, and when we

Be a Walrus

  HELLO HELLOOO PEEPL PEEPUULL How are you guys doin? I haven't seen any of you in like 9 and a half months now, so lemme know if anything cool has happened in your life in that time cuz if not theres a high chance I have no idea haha Aight heres some stories: Be a Walrus Ever since the new mission president came, he's been doing a great job focusing on the quality of training that new missionaries are getting here. There's lots of cool stuff he's been doin like a system of teaching certificacion and study plans and stuff, but one of these things was he had a zoom meeting with all the trainers and their trainees, and as part of it he used this nature video of a polar bear attacking a (Pack? Herd? Flock?) group of walruses. The point was how the big strong ones huddled around the young ones, so the polar bear would bite and claw but couldn't get through, and how the mission needs to adopt that culture of caring for and protecting the new ones so they grow up strong.