8 months, Pupusa record, y fiesta en los cielos


Hello humanidad. It's been a gosh dang long time and a lot has happened I don't even know where to start. 

Lets begin with pupusas

Pupas (pronounced poo-puhs. The correct gangster pronunciación of pupusas according to 4yr old salvadoranian Gael)
 I got transferred to a new area called El Congo and I'm now in a house of 4 elders where we all go to lunch together to an amazing member lady's house. So we show up for lunch day 2 of being here and she makes pupusas, but my companion is sick so he's like "thou must eat all of mine food for me" and I didst say unto him "I will do what I must" and then I got carried away in breaking the previous pupusa record of 14 written on the wall by past Elders and I ate 18 pupusas instead. Twas exceedingly glorious. I think I could get 20 next time if I have a less gigantic breakfast beforehand.

The Coolest Day Ever
Rewind time: to arrive at El Congo I had to leave Suncuan. The ward there was so awesome. My comp Elder Adcock was a missionary beast and super fun to be with. But my final Saturday there, September 23rd (which also was randomly my 8 month birthday in the mission) Elder Adcock and I had a crazy amazing day. 

Part 1: Holiness to the Lord
This day we got to go to the San Salvador temple together. Since the temple is outside of our mission boundaries, the only way you can get permission to go as a missionary is if someone you baptized into the church then decides at least a year later to receive their endowment, and Adcock had done that so I got to go with him and the hermano he baptized a year ago. It was so cool. I hadn't been in the temple in 7 months and he hadn't in like 20 months. 
I'd just like to say that if you have an opportunity to visit the House of the Lord, do it. It is the holiest place you can be on Earth. Holiness is closeness to God, and God’s presence is a level of peace and of joy, in a form of purity that is completely beyond expression and beyond price. Stand ye in holy places. And not only worship in these holy places, but be ye yourselves holy so that the Holy Spirit can dwell in you. Because being in holy places, or having the Holy Ghost to be with you, reminds you who you are. Because ye yourselves are something holy, a daughter or a son of The Highest. A divine being with an eternal potential and inheritance as sons and daughters of The King of Kings. There's just the challenge of remembering who you are, and what you came to this world to do. If you can remember that, and draw close to the Savior who is what makes this whole plan of learning, progress, joy, and Salvation possible, you will one day complete this life to return triumphant to the presence of your Eternal Father to reign with him.

Part 2: Party in Heaven
After the temple trip we came back barely in time for the two baptisms of Kendal and Joaquin. These kids are incredible. They are both incredibly smart. Seriously I don't think I've ever taught anyone adult or child that was so quick to understand. Those guys are beasts. Also they are super funny. I'm gunna miss them. Their journey to baptism was that originally their parents had been members, but they had doubts and left the church and spent years away from it as their kids grew up, and they went to a bunch of other churches, but as we visited them, the spirit touched their hearts and they remembered that this is the true church. And then they let their kids learn and they learned freakin fast. 
But during the baptismal service while someone was giving a talk, the little sister  of Kendal and Joaquin must have been paying attention because right after the speaker said "Believe me, there's a party going on in heaven right now" she just blew full volume into one of those birthday party horn things. Everybody laughed, it was awesome. Then after the service Kendal looked over at us smiling and just said "clean shirt". Referring to our white shirt analogy we used to teach what it meant to receive a remission of sins. That just as a white shirt once stained might be cleaned, our souls once darkened by sins can become cleaned and white again through the power of The Redeemer. 

Theres a whole lot more stories but I don't got a whole lot more time. I'll try and write these things more often. Love you guys! 

PS: Remember how back in the day there were prophets that received revelation from God to teach and prophesy to the people of the Earth? There's a living one of those in our days. Also 12 apostles. They spoke to the world last week in something called General Conference. Go check it out I'm not even jokin' bro its absolutely awesome.



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