One time a dude chucked a brick at another dude. But baptisms are really the coolest.

 (forewarning: I wrote this, and then realized it has zero of the nice format I use sometimes and therefore may or may not hurt your eyes to look at, for which I appologize. Idunno what happened to this email but I like it so maybe you will too. Aight shut up and read it)

Recap of some of some of the many changes that have been goin on this transfer:
- Arrive in new area with new companion Elder Chase
- Two weeks with Elder Chase and then emergency cambios so Elder Chase leaves and Elder Adcock comes to the area.
- 3 days with Adcock and we move houses
- More emergency cambios and a pair of elders in the district leave, and our area doubles in size.
- Some random dude chucked a brick at another dude in the street. But uh, it was at his chest instead of his face and then he ran away so I think everybody is fine.
- 3 intercambios with the ZLs
- We left the door to our house open for 2 freakin seconds and then a cat came in and stole a loaf of bread and started devouring it on our porch.

Alright maybe not all of those are official mission changes but you get the gist, things have been MOVIN which has honestly made these past weeks fly by. But it is really cool to see how the new mission president is changing things so rapidly, and we´re already seeing blessings from following those changes. Revelation is friggin dope. As for my new companion Elder Adcock he is great. He´s like captain america but from Idaho and good at preaching the gospel and at making me laugh so hard I cry and then fall over on the ground because we got carried away making "mmMMMMMM" noises about how yummy our protien shake tastes.
But as for the work, we´ve just been putting everything we have into finding and teaching, growing our relationship with the ward members, and motivating the district. And bruh there has been miracles. As of last week the numbers in the district have doubled since we got here. Other awesome miracles have been some crazy intercambio days like one with elder DeLeon where we found 7 new people and 4 lessons with members in one day. Or other intercambio day where I went to another area with an elder whos been here for a month, but we got 4 new people and 4 lessons with members and a baptismal date. I'd love to take credit for this stuff, except I´m a friggin 19 year old kid from Missouri attempting to teach the perfect gospel of Jesus Christ to people in a country where they only speak spanish, so I´m gunna have to say the success we´ve been having have been miracles from Heavenly Father. It´s his work, and we just gotta work to be worthy and show him by our actions that we are willing to care for and serve the chosen who he puts in our path. And if we can do that and stay focused on our purpose, miracles will come.

Alright but the highlight of this week would have to be the baptism of Johann. 
He's just 10 years old but he's an amazing kid. He has been taught and been wanting to get baptised for over a year, but his parents have been against it and weren´t giving him permission, up until a few weeks ago when the mom had a powerful change of heart and Johann wrote a letter to his dad that made him change, and they finally gave him permission. 
Man the spirit was strong in that baptismal service. It´s definitely true that in ordinances, (like baptism) "the power of godliness is manifest."
The part that really got to me was when all of the missionaries went up front and sang the children´s song "When I am baptised". I didnt even know we were going to do that beforehand, I just followed the rest of the missionaries up. But when we started singing... man. That was beautiful. The spirit came into that room. Everyone felt it. Even Johann´s step dad was crying. As for me, as soon as we started singing I was suprised to find myself on the edge of tears. And then I saw Johann and he was sobbing and hugging his mom while he watched us sing, and I couldn´t help but start crying too. I remembered a painting my primary teacher Sister Merrel had given me when I was baptised when I was 8, with the words to this song on it which I had kept in my bedroom as I grew up. Such a powerful spirit of peace and joy.

Alright this email got pretty dang long so imma leave now SALUUUUU

Pupusas: 136


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