
Showing posts from August, 2023

*Tiny child in the distance continues to approach full speed with shiny objects in hand*

  Wazaaaaap  Things are going well here. Transfers came and went and thankfully I get to stay in my area with my companion Elder Adcock, the only difference is now we´re Zone Leaders. Which has honestly been super cool, having more responsibilities and more missionaries to help out definitely gives motivation to try to do better and be better. Aight now onto some STORIES Alan tries to kill us There's a little 4yr old kid in one of the families we ́re teaching named Alan who´s eight thousand percent hyperactive at every hour of every day. The first day we taught his family, while we were teaching the lesson he just stayed busy by picking up the cat, throwing it at the wall, and then chasing it down and doing it again. Another day we came by and he walks up to a dog as tall as he is and just starts kicking it in the crotch and wrestles it to the ground and cusses at it. The best tactic I´ve found to keep him from attacking us in the same way he did the dog is asking him how fast he c

One time a dude chucked a brick at another dude. But baptisms are really the coolest.

  (forewarning: I wrote this, and then realized it has zero of the nice format I use sometimes and therefore may or may not hurt your eyes to look at, for which I appologize. Idunno what happened to this email but I like it so maybe you will too. Aight shut up and read it) Recap of some of some of the many changes that have been goin on this transfer: - Arrive in new area with new companion Elder Chase - Two weeks with Elder Chase and then emergency cambios so Elder Chase leaves and Elder Adcock comes to the area. - 3 days with Adcock and we move houses - More emergency cambios and a pair of elders in the district leave, and our area doubles in size. - Some random dude chucked a brick at another dude in the street. But uh, it was at his chest instead of his face and then he ran away so I think everybody is fine. - 3 intercambios with the ZLs - We left the door to our house open for 2 freakin seconds and then a cat came in and stole a loaf of bread and started devouring it on our porch.