
Painting with the bois 

Last time I saw Kelvin before I left El Trebol

Epic clouds and plants

My attempt to make peace with Loki after him trying to kill me every day for 3 months

New comp Elder Chase w/ the legendary Victor Luna and his family

Delishy fishy 

 Hola, it´s been a month since I last sent an email so there´s a lot of stories but for a short recap, Elder Smith and I finished up our last transfer together in El Trebol with much walking yet much awesomeness and success. We were together for 3 months in total, and a week ago I was transferred to the area Suncuan, in the city of Ahuachapan, where I am now with Elder Chase. Alright on to the stories:

Theres a really nice drunk dude who lives near us who always yells at us in his lil high pitched voice HOLA HERMANOS every time we go by. His name is Kiki and he´s the best. The other day we were walkin down the street and Kiki is next to a police car rubbing his hands all over the roof and hood and windows and he´s like "HOLA HERMANOS ESTOY LIMPIANDO EL CARRO" we were like "NO KIKI NO"
Kiki is now in prison
jk he´s fine we saw him this morning

Praying for Water
In El Trebol there was a few days we didn't have running water. One day I was tired of that and I prayed that we could have water in the house. After praying, I walked over to the kitchen sink and as soon as I turned it, we heard rain start on the roof. I turned it off and the rain let off. I laughed and pointed it out to Elder Smith, and then when I turned it again it started DUMPING. Elder smith was like "You prayed for the wrong thing. You prayed for water in the house and now WE GOT WATER ALRIGHT its just dumping into our laundry room" 
Apparently even Heavenly Father likes dad jokes.

Priesthood Blessings
I never heard before the mission about how many times you give priesthood blessings as a missionary, but man it is cool. It felt wrong to send out an email about one of those sacred experiences but I just felt like testifying that God personally knows every one of his children, and he loves them with a power beyond this world. He is eager to bless his children with his spirit, guidance, and miracles. You just need to faithfully turn towards him with an eye of belief and with actions of faith, and you will find God drawing near unto you.

Enos Prayer
One night I went to do my nightly prayer by my bed but I half fell asleep, but then woke up two hours later still kneeling upright by my bed at 12:30AM. Enos had buffer knees than me because ow.

Alright thats all I got time to write for now

Pupusa Count: 113


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