Satan throws truck at missionaries in attempt to stop baptism. Missionaries win.


Here beith mine stories from the past while:

Mowed the lawn with Machetes
Our homie came up to us one day and was like "Hey I have some grass to cut, I don't want to pay anyone, and I want to see two gringos working for a latino. You guys got machetes?" So we borrowed two machetes from the Patriarch and mowed his lawn.

Helped an 87 year old man dig a hole
We just saw this dude fixing his gate, so we went and helped him dig a fencepost. After a few minutes of watching this shirtless old man happily stabbing the dirt with us my companion was like ¨how old are you?¨and turns out he was 87. People, we have no excuses. If this Salvadoranian can do it you can be a ripped 87yr old still out digging holes too.

Teaching history to a history teacher
We started teaching a guy who´s a college professor of ancient latin american history. This is ironically awesome because The Book of Mormon is literally a record of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and their prophets and nations and wars over the course of more than a thousand years here. It´s cool to see him asking questions and seriously being interested in studying this thing and scouring it for truth. Also surprising to me how excited I was for this college professor of ancient latin american history to attack the literal keystone of my religion. It’s just felt like, well, I’ve read it and found the promises it has to be true, and received a witness from God that it's true, at this point I’m not too worried about what this guy can do to that. In fact I’m just gunna keep encouraging him to keep asking questions and searching the story here because if he does read this with the intent to find out if it’s true, he’ll definitely get his answer and then find out how these truths seriously can bless his life like they have blessed mine. Being a missionary is the best.

Thats two parents, three kids, and two of those three kids have kids as well, adding up to this awesome 9 person family coming to church together. That was freakin awesome.

Brandon teaches me Parkour
There’s this dude I´ve known since the first day I got here, but I never asked his name until a bit ago, and turns out HIS NAME IS BRANDON LEE. When he answered I was just like uh how do you know my name, and then we realized we just have the same name and he never knew because I just go by Elder Johnson.
Then he invited us to the park to teach us parkour. Except because of some stuff goin on here there’s a rule for our safety right now that as missionaries we can’t be in public unless we’re in our missionary clothes, so I went and did some parkour in white shirt and tie. Another funny thing about that, I went in thinkin I would take it easy, except we show up and the first thing he says is just "Alright so front flip or backflip?" So he taught me how to do a front flip and then a webster. It was really fun! Also a drunk dude across the street started cheering for me. Then later he invited himself over to offer his drunk dude advice on how to do it better, which neither me or Brandon understood. But thanks drunk dude. 
Except looking back me and my companion realized that flips were probably against the rules so it´s a miracle nothing bad happened and we just prayed and were like "thanks nothing bad happened, we won't do that again *nervous laugh*"

T-4 hours till baptism
We had a baptism this past Saturday which was AWESOME, but the only problem was we needed baptismal clothes for this guy, and none of the missionaries in our zone and none of the members in our ward had some for him. 
But luckily our missionary secretaries went to the mission office to help us find some, so with 4 hours till the baptism, we got a ride from our friend that we´re teaching, Jorge, to the missionary office, got the clothes, and then hopped on the bus back home. Or so we thought... *ominous music begins*
Turns out there’s two busses with the same number, one goes back home, the other takes us WAY OVER INTO THE CENTER OF SANTA ANA. We took the wrong one. We got off the bus in the center of the the main city market, ran around the streets, chased down the correct bus that would take us home, and hopped on, safe and sound... OR SO WE THOUGHT *Even more ominous music plays* 
This bus was definitely not in the greatest shape. It was coughing up smoke and vomiting various unknown liquids onto the street, and giving everyone a foot massage with the vibrating metal beneath our feet. But then this poor bus, as we were driving through the center of the city at rush hour, drove past a big steel flatbed truck as it was backing up, and it sliced itself into the side of the bus. Ouch. Luckily there happened to be like 6 military people standing around when it happened, so they just told the bus driver to keep driving cuz it was the truck´s fault.
So in the end the bus limped back home and we got to the baptism on time. Satan tried to stop us and freakin FAILED. HA.

Alright that’s all I got time for right now. ADIOS


Pupusa Count: 79.5


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