Flying Snakes. 50 girlfriends. And Cannibal Chickens

Hola familia y amigos

Life is good. Spanish is slowly gettin better. The gospel of Jesus Christ is freaking powerful and continues to change people's lives. 
Heres some stories from the last little while:

Dinasour child
We've been visiting the Familia Flores and they're awesome. The dad is a hugely massively ripped tattooed salvadorian man, and he passed some of his jackedness to his little 4-year-old son who is kind of a wild animal. His fist bumps are actually him trying to punch you. He's the kind of kid that anytime he has to traverse any stretch of house, he will full on sprint until his tiny legs cant keep up and he just trips and faceplants on the ground. While talking with the dad during one of these visits I just see this kid stomp out from his room on all fours, with his rear in the air and head towards the ground, carrying his triceratops toy in one hand. I watched in awe as this child confidently approached his bowl of cookies sitting in the middle of the living room, paused, considered his dinosaur toy and his hunger for cookies, and then stabbed the triceratops full force through two cookies, and viciously devoured said cookies with the ferocity of a tyrannosaurus salvadorian child.

Flying snake
Yesterday we spent most of the day in a service project deconstructing and reconstructing an old house in the jungle. It took like 9 hours but It was really fun to just be working outside all day, it made me feel like I was back at home doing weekend yard work with family again. Also I felt pretty cool being able to do cool stuff like use a saw and nail stuff and machete stuff. Thanks for giving me opportunities to do stuff like that and also making me a tall human-being mom and dad. It also definitely was a testimony of the protection God gives for his missionaries though because somebody should've gotten seriously injured with the amount of sketchy stuff going on in that project. He must send a batallion of guardian angels for every latin american construction project involving missionaries.  At one point I was standing on a stool while hammering a piece of metal into a tree branch pillar while wearing a cowboy hat and I now understand what people mean by growing up on the mission because I indeed felt like a man. We also found a pretty big grey snake inside the roof as I was taking out one of the old metal sheets. One of the guys we were working with picked it up with the end of a rake and then carried it off into the jungle to release it. We later found a second smaller snake and that one he uh, released as well but a little less gently. He used the rake as a catapult to launch the baby snake into the stratosphere. For a second there, we saw a flying snake. 

Hacer Novias
One of the people we're teaching makes different kinds of sweetbread every morning, so we help him out with that every time we teach. He just does all the mixing and shaping and everything by hand, and one time we went there this week, he was like "Hoy, vamos a hacer novias" Meaning "today we're gunna make girlfriends" So he taught us how to make some pink sweetbread pastries called novias and we made like 50 of them. Also.. my companion accidentally stepped on a baby chicken and it exploded and all the other chickens started eating it. I'd rather not go into any more detail about that moment. Kinda still dont know whether to laugh or be sad about that.

Thanks for reading! Adios!
Pupusas: 97


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