drunk guy tried to kiss me #awkward

 Hey guys I'm not dead but the room in the church with the computer has been stuck closed for like two weeks so I can't write on a computer so you're about to get some big stories very condensed:

- Don't shake hands with a drunk dude. He might missinterprete your intentions and try and kiss your hand. Also probably don't touch a drunk dude at all he probably hasn't showered or washed his hands in a while.

- Me and my comp visited some newlyweds and gave them a 3liter bottle of coke as a wedding present, and they gave us wedding cake.

- A family tried to offer us their daughters as wives but I didn't understand what he said and all I saw was that the dad brought his kids into the room so I shared a scripture and bore my testimony. Sometimes the gift of tongues bleeps out stuff to accomplish it's purpose.

- God helped me miraculously easily do way more pushups then I possibly couldve done on my own for the sake of a lesson. Note to self: 9 people times 10 pushups = way too many unless you get some help from the guy who made your body.

- I drank and ate a coconut and it was way too cool.

- I got a new companion and now I gotta teach him this área even though I've only been in the country for 5 weeks. We haven't gotten stranded yet. Time to trust the heck out of the guidance of the spirit.

- We helped a 60 something yr old Patriarch build a roof. He measured trees in the respectible unit of measurement: machete. He cut a few beams 4 1/4 machetes long. That was really fun.

- People here still have seen twilight. I've now been called Jacob, Yacob, and Elder Lautner by members.

- I pet a dog and then he threw up on my shoe

I'll write more when I got a computer but for now ADIOSSSS

Pupusas: 55


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