Speak Your Language

 MTC is over and I am now in El Salvador. The last week of MTC was really good. We spoke only spanish Mon-Sat (the SYL Challenge) which was hard to do and easy to forget, but we all decided to keep going through it and now I'm very grateful for that because turns out all this stuff our teachers asked us to do was actually to prepare us for what we were going to be doing the field. Because I got here and turns out everybody speaks SPAYNEESH and thats all I get to do now. Makes me think about how sometimes God does the same thing and asks you to do hard stuff because its actually about to prepare you for something coming in the future. And if thats true with spanish teachers, how much more true is that  when God´s the guy asking you to do hard stuff?? I promise that in the end you´ll always be grateful you did the hard stuff God asked you to do. I´ve already seen that to be true in my life, and HOW MUCH AWESOMER IS THAT GUNNA FEEL WHEN WE GET BACK TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER 

In the wise words of Nacho Libre: "Iz the BAEST. I LAOVE it"

Traveling here was pretty rough because I´m all used to this awesome sleep schedule now, and then to get here I started at 6PM Monday with a bus, two trains, and three planes to land in El Salvador at 12PM the next day. Then we rode in a van and finally got to Santa Ana atl 4. Sleep is a precious thing. Don´t skip it por favor.

 But dude my new comp is so wise in the ways of missionary work and Spanish cuz he´s been here for 14 months. He also makes everything a lot of fun which I appreciate mucho. For example, today we danced to the music Taco bell put us on hold to on the phone. His Name is Elder Hale.

Biggest compliment I had on spanish was when my companion asked a lady we were talking to last night how long she thinks ive been here, and she said (a number I didn't catch) followed by the word months. FRICK YEAH That's pretty awesome for day one in the area. Although I didn't understand anything that was said to the next guy we talked to, but thats okay. 


- Pupusa Count: 9: First day I had 5 for breakfast and 4 for dinner
- SYL Challenge: Demolished. District 17-D is victorious. I now have a gold star sticker.
Spanish word of the week: Crapear (crap-yar) To crap. I have yet to keep a straight face when I remember this word.
- Toonal Game: Elder Hale: 4, Elder Johnson: 0 (this is a new game where we kick rocks between each others legs as we walk down the street)

(not many from this week but heres the album I´ll be adding photos to every P-day)


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