♫Hold to the Rod♫ Or you´ll fall out of the bus and get run over


Im gunna be honest I have 0 time right now so imma just write all I can and send it when it's time to go 

♫Hold to the Rod♫ Or you´ll fall out of the bus and get run over
This title is because one day we got on a bus that was so full that after walking up two steps of the entrance to the bus, I was now squished against the people in front of me. Then the bus door closed behind me, cutting off a dude that wanted to get on, and almost shutting on my backpack. Then we started driving down the highway. I wasn't sure how sturdy those doors were behind me so I just held tight to the iron bars next to me in the bus. Then I started laughing and poked my companion and sang the line from a hymn "hold to the roooood the iron roddd" I am very grateful for my years of training in holding on for dear life on tubes at the lake.

Angelic Motorcycle Dude
One morning as we were walking down the street a church member zoomed by us on his motorcycle singing ¨Elderes de Israel¨ and gave us fist bumps as he passed by. Then he almost crashed into an oncoming car he didn´t see and laughed as swerved, then continued to sing at the top of his lungs as he drove into the glorious sunrise.

Shower thoughts: 
- Pandas are just muddy polar bears who decided to be vegetarians
- How to have an awesome day: Every day you have opportunities to make someone else's day. Find and act on those opportunities and you will find that you are inadvertently making your own day awesome.

Pupusas: 28
If I don't come home with a dad bod that will be as great a miracle as any from the scriptures. Good thing we believe in a God of miracles *dab*

SHOOT i have more but I´m out of time for now so here ya go and have an awesome week


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