
Showing posts from March, 2024

500 Pupusas

  Hello, just would like to write this to say that I have reached 500 pupusas. Thank you for all your love and support. I think we can say this was a successful group effort. For a quick recap of the week, it was BUSY AS HECK. The only full day we had in our area was Sunday but we survived so it's all good. Monday : P-Day, FHE w/a drunk guy, then took a bus to APs house in El Trebol to stay the night there. Tuesday : Took a van from El Trebol, to the capital city of San Salvador for immigration papers now that I hit a year in the country. We ate at Burger king for lunch and it was incredible. Wednesday : Some epic Zone Conferences, and then Elder Harward got parasites and was really sick that night. Thursday : Visited a little bit in the morning and then went to the Hospital in Santa Ana in the afternoon to destroy Wednesday's parasites. Friday : Exchanges with Magdalena. Elder Ricconi and I found two families of 7 and we invited 28 people to church in one day. That was AWESOME

Scared of Water

  Wazaaaaaap Update on life here: I'm about to complete 14 months in the mission. Three days ago I got transferred to the area Casa Blanca, where I got my new companion Elder Harward, who also just got to the area at the same time as me too. He's really great, he's from Rexburg Idaho/Provo Utah. Another cool thing is this is his first time being zone leader, and he has the exact same amount of time I had when I became one too. It's been a little crazy with both of us being new to the area, but we both have an eye of faith looking forward to good things to come. Probably for this email, I'll mostly just finish up some stories I never wrote from when I was in El Congo Waterphobia I know i've talked to my family when I call about the Lemus family, but I don't know if i've ever written about them here. But to make a long epic backstory short, the Lemus family was found when we knocked on a random door on our way out of a tiny colony in a corn field, and it e