
Showing posts from December, 2023

CPR to a goat

MURRY CHRISTMUS I hope you all have a great christmas. Its a pretty awesome time to celebrate the day the Savior came, the one guy who made the entire Plan of Salvation work by killing death and also paying the debt for all of our sins so that through him we're all going to live forever. Also if we choose to, we can live that forever in eternal glory with him. Also not to mention he helps you here in this life to have peace and joy and a ton of blessings. Jesus is the best. Where the heck am I - Still in El Congo  - Completed 11 months in the mission 2 days ago. - Elder Ochoa went home (along with Hales, Chase and Adcock, so now all my past comps are offically dead) - Recieved new comp Elder Frias. He's from Argentina and he's really great. We've had some really good experiences just in this week and a half together. - Went from only having american companions my entire mission to now being the only english speaker in a house of 4. Its awesome, I love speakin spanish. S