
Showing posts from October, 2023

8 months, Pupusa record, y fiesta en los cielos

  Hello humanidad. It's been a gosh dang long time and a lot has happened I don't even know where to start.  Lets begin with pupusas Pupas (pronounced poo-puhs. The correct gangster pronunciación of pupusas according to 4yr old salvadoranian Gael)  I got transferred to a new area called El Congo and I'm now in a house of 4 elders where we all go to lunch together to an amazing member lady's house. So we show up for lunch day 2 of being here and she makes pupusas, but my companion is sick so he's like "thou must eat all of mine food for me" and I didst say unto him "I will do what I must" and then I got carried away in breaking the previous pupusa record of 14 written on the wall by past Elders and I ate 18 pupusas instead. Twas exceedingly glorious. I think I could get 20 next time if I have a less gigantic breakfast beforehand. The Coolest Day Ever Rewind time: to arrive at El Congo I had to leave Suncuan. The ward there was so awesome. My comp