
Showing posts from July, 2024

Fried Squirrel. Horse Meds. And a pro boxer gettin bautizado

finishing the final mission temple trip wit da bois:   Hello people. I've been living here for about a year and a half now. I don't know how many of you still survive seeing these emails but if you do le felicito. I accidentally sat down and wrote way too much this week so sorry for the long email. Today in the office work we´re sending home all the hermanas from my generation of missionaries. H. Lindsay asked me how I felt that they were all going home now and I still gotta be here for another 6 months. That was pretty savage of her but alright.  Jaja no but honestly it is super cool. One of my favorite phrases I've heard from President Choy recently about our missionary service is: "We are Just. Getting. Started." A long spiritual thought... Right now as missionaries, we just show up here as high school kids and as for our knowledge and testimony of the impact of the doctrine of Christ, many times we´re like little newborn kittens just barely starting to open ou